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Models: Samantha Jean (Instagram) Bound Light (Instagram | Fetlife)

This fun afternoon of shooting and tying almost didn’t happen. We had made plans to shoot with Chris (Poopiephotographer) and Sam but woke up to a mix of snow and sleet. We passed multiple cars stuck in a ditch on our drive out and considered turning back a couple of times. But, the farther we drove, the better the roads became as the sleet gave way to more snow.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough snow to make suffering in the cold worth the images. So instead, we took advantage of the high beams and the fireplace as the day’s setting.

All of these images were shot and edited on an iPhone (the 11 Pro to be exact). I mainly used the mobile Lightroom app for the edits. This was more of an experiment than anything else, but I’m not sure the images would be that much better if I’d used my “normal” camera. (Clearly, pixel-peeping or printing large will show the limits, though).

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