You may or may not have noticed, but I’ve been absent on here for a bit. And now … I’m back!
Where I’ve Been
A little over two years ago, I announced that Bound Light and I would be having a child, and that this site would go on hiatus for while. As predicted, once that kid arrived, rope and photos dropped off dramatically.
During that time, I was able to continue holding a few private rope lessons, though we did “retire” Rope Study. I also did a few random shoots — most of that during the fall and winter months.
And while I continued posting to Instagram and Fetlife, I decided to close the Patreon site because I couldn’t keep the posts there regular enough to justify charging even $1 a month to people.
But while the rope and photo side of things has been slow, family life has been wonderful. I’m loving being a dad to this little kid, and I feel immeasurably lucky to be sharing that with Bound Light.
As you have probably already guessed from the images, our second child is now on the way, and we’re very excited for our family to continue growing.
Why Now?
Given that, no one would blame you for thinking this is an odd time to try to relaunch this photography stuff. And you’d be right.
But part of what was keeping me from staying on top of these things was a focus on other projects (that are now resolved) and a broken photo-to-web workflow (that has now been sorted).
With those things out of the way, I can spend more of my precious free time on the photos themselves and sharing them with others.
What to Expect
Though I’m wary of making predictions, I am hopeful at this point that my shooting schedule — while still not coming close to my pre-baby schedule — will stay slow but frequent enough to do more regular posting.
So my plan going forward is:
- For everyone:
- For patrons, visit the Exclusive section of this site and log in with Patreon:
- Updates will continue to be posted here and on Patreon (my goal is at least two new posts per month).
- This site will continue to have patron-only content posted here exclusively because Patreon has some limitations on what I’m able to post there. So, for that content, you’ll need to log into this site using your Patreon account to access it.
- More detailed “behind the scenes” posts that explain my process will also be posted on this site and will require logging in with Patreon to view. (This is mostly because the Patreon interface is pretty limited in terms of what I can build there.)
If you’ve stuck with me through all of this so far, thank you! If you’re new here, I hope you’ll enjoy the old content here as I get it added, or consider finding more of my work over on Patreon.
Either way, thanks for checking in!